Join the directory

Be being part of the directory you are already part of the IT Women community.
El directorio es donde las mujeres de IT contamos quiénes somos y qué hacemos,
no requerimos más de ti que los datos del formulario. Podés leer las Privacy policies here

See the directory

Application for the IT Women Directory

E-mail address


Your public information for the directory

The following personal information that we’re asking for is the only thing that will be public in the directory

Profile Picture (Face)

At least 600 x 600px and in good definition. When you give us your picture you’re allowing us to use it in posts we make in the community, showing you as an active member of the community.


Social network

Write here the social networks you would like to share with the community, choose from the list and on the right add your account’s full url


Demographic Information

Date of birth

Which country were you born in?

Your home country will not be shown in your profile, however, people will be able to find you by home country in the directory

¿En qué país residís actualmente?

Nos interesa conocer donde nos encontramos actualmente las mujeres de IT.

Which department/province do you live in?


Training and area of expertise

¿Con cuál de estas categorías te identificás en la actualidad?

What is your current role?

Which area did you originally train for?


Experience and interests

Estos datos serán utilizados para evaluar futuras acciones de MIT, estamos pensando en armar programas en base a estos conceptos, por eso queremos saber qué te puede interesar.

Would you tell us more about the last question?